Monday, November 30, 2009

Up the Incentives!

Love hearing about pending legislation that will give energy efficiency higher incentives!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

US + China Initiatives

The largest polluters are getting together and accelerating the change to a renewable energy economy. Here's the DOE Press Release.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Pervasive Plastics

Plastics are everywhere!!!

"The true costs of plastics — including the energy required to manufacture them, the environmental contamination caused by their disposal, their health impacts, and the recycling and eventual disposal costs — are not reflected in product prices. The American Plastics Council now estimates that only about 5 percent of all plastics manufactured are recycled; 95 billion pounds are discarded on average yearly. Adding to the environmental toll, most plastic is produced from natural gas and petroleum products, exacerbating global warming."

"In the case of plastics, Congress instead has been content with limited federal regulatory responsibility, now fractured among at least four agencies: the EPA, the Food and Drug Administration, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. None of these agencies has demanded pre-market testing of plastic ingredients, none has required ingredient labeling or warnings on plastic products, and none has limited production, environmental release, or human exposure. As a result, the entire U.S. population continues to be exposed to hormonally active chemicals from plastics without their knowledge or consent."

"In order to make responsible choices in the marketplace, consumers also need to be educated about the content and effects of the resins, so we need mandatory labeling of plastic ingredients. The chemical industry itself needs to replace persistent and hazardous chemicals with those that are proven to be safe. Finally, manufacturers should take responsibility for cleaning up environmental contamination from the more than one trillion pounds of plastic wastes they have produced over the past 50 years."

Sunday, November 15, 2009

DIY Solar Panels

Make one your own!

Charge a 12-volt battery. Very cool. Electricity generated from the sun should be in the hands of people.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Efficient Windows Collaborative

This is a great place to learn about windows.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

2030 Challenge

Green Footstep is a tool created by the Rocky Mountain Institute to "address multiple building emissions over the building lifetime."

This will help get buildings closer to the 2030 Challenge, which I'm a very, very strong supporter.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Obama Spurs Smart Electric Grids

Let's get on the "clean energy superhighway!"

Wheego Electric Cars by Next Year

This is super cool - electric cars out of Atlanta by next year.

I want one SOOOO bad!!! What I really want is an all electric car powered by solar, which is the future and I want it as soon as possible!

Fun to think about - the Future of Driving - driver-less cars yayayayaya
"Humans aren't fit to drive" = couldn't agree any more.

US Weatherization Stimulus is Working!

Read all about it here from Energy Secretary Steven Chu.

"In September, we estimate we weatherized 15,000 – 20,000 homes – the fastest pace in the 30 year history of the Weatherization Assistance Program. We expect to be weatherizing 20,000 to 30,000 homes per month soon."

Exciting times we're living folks.