Monday, September 14, 2009

Jevons Paradox

I think about this a lot and finally come across an article that talks about it.

"The Jevons Paradox takes many forms:
  • Because of improvements in refrigerator efficiency, consumers can afford more and larger refrigerators.
  • Because of improvements in vehicle efficiency, car owners can afford to drive more miles per year.
  • Because of improvements in airtightness, window performance, and insulation techniques, homeowners can afford to build larger houses.
  • Savings resulting from energy-efficiency improvements — or even savings resulting from giving up meat in one’s diet — allow consumers to take more vacations, resulting in greater energy use."
Interesting huh? Higher energy taxes (and/or properly valuing environmental damage as a consequence of a product) and "the voluntary adoption of a simpler lifestyle: one with less work, fewer possessions, and more leisure time." America needs this!!! I need this.

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